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What types of subscriptions are available?Updated 3 months ago

We offer four exciting Wacky Robots subscription tiers to suit your preferences. You can select from a 3 Months, 12 Months, or 24 Months subscription plan.

No matter which tier you choose, you'll receive 3 delightful Wacky Robots delivered right to your doorstep every three month.

The primary difference among these tiers, aside from pricing, lies in the number of Wacky Robots you'll receive.

Here's a breakdown of the key distinctions for each tier:

WACKY NOVICE (3 Months subscription):

  • Pay $99 for a box containing 3 Wacky Robots projects

  • Automatic renewal every 3 months

WACKY MASTER (1 Year subscription):

  • Prepay $348 for 1 year of recieving 3 Wacky Robots projects every 3 months (4 boxes in total), bringing the price down to $87 per box

  • Your subscription renews automatically each year

WACKY GENIUS (2 Years subscription):

  • Prepay $632 for 24 months of recieving 3 Wacky Robots projects every three months (8 boxes in total), bringing the price down to $79 per box
  • Your subscription renews automatically every 2 years

Find the best subscription model 
for you, and become an explorer today.

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